Серия GENIUS S хидравлични гилотини

Прецизното рязане стана по-лесно! Серията Genius S е оборудвана с най-добрите материали за оптимална здравина и изключителна производителност за един безпроблемен производствен процес. Genius S предоставя висока здравина, производителност и безопастност, доато в същото време, намаля вашите производствени разходи.


  • Rapid and precise blade clearance adjustment with a single handle on the side frame

  • Multi-edge blades for cutting aluminum, carbon steel, and stainless steel

  • Cutting-line illumination and wire for shadow-line cutting

  • Stroke counter

  • Quick cutting-length adjustment

  • Hydraulic and electrical overload protection

  • Squaring arm and front support arms

  • Bed infill plates with ball transfers

  • Delta inverter with ball screw and polished rod with 0.01 mm accuracy

  • Backgauge adjustment according to blade gap

  • Backgauge retraction feature

  • Sub-program and programming loop

  • Sequence repeat function

  • Auto-cutting (Flying cut)


Здравата монолитна структура гарантира стабилност и точност на сряза. В същото време дизайна на машината е изработен с мисъл за функционалност и ефективност.

Accurl избира най-добрите суровини за да осигури издържливи машини с дълъг експлоатационен период.

Компонентите, от които е направена машината, са на водещи производители в индустрията.

  • High-precision electric welding

  • CNC touch screen

  • Automatic cutting angle adjustment

  • Back-gauge adjustment actuated by a brushless motor with Can Open technology that combined with a high precision backgauge, directly assembled on the sidde frame of the machine, ensures fast movement and maximum precision

  • Bench with integrated balls to facilitate material handling

  • Blades grinded and hardened

  • Squaring arm with millimeter ruler

  • Lighting systme of the cutting area

  • Three-function sheet support

  • Internal gear pump, quiet and reliable

  • Dedicated hydraulic system

  • Electric board with high quality components

  • Start & Stop system

Настройка на хлабината на ножовите

Ръчно, но много много лесно за употреба, е устройството за настройка на хлабината между ножовете, която се определя  според дължината и дебелината на сряза. Разположено острани на машината, то позволява настройка до десети от милиметъра според дебелината на материала, който ще се реже. Възможно е тази операция да бъде автоматизирана с моторизирана система чрез NC контролна система, която настройва хлабиата според материала и дебелината на сряза. По този начин хлабината се превръща в реална ОС упрявлявана от NC контролната система.

Заден упор

Гилотините на Accurl притежават солиден заден упор асемблиран директно на стоманената рама на машината за да гарантира висока повторяемост във времето и висока прецизността на позициониране на тази ос, без да бъде повлияна от вибрациите повреме на работните цикли.

Лесен за употреба интерфейс

Сероята гилотини Genous S включват NC управление, което гарантира оперативни подобрения в процесно време и разходи

  • Семпъл и интуитивен интефейс

  • 7” сензорен екран

  • Настройка на среза

  • Автоматична настройка на ъгъла на срез

  • Автоматичен настройка на хлабината на ножовете

    Automatic blade gap adjustment

  • Възможност за поддръжка на тънки листи

  • Библиотека с презададени материали


  • solid monolithic structure

  • solid monolithic structure

  • cylinders mounted in line with the blade cross holder

  • downholders with self adjusting pressure according to the cutting strength required

  • blade holder guided all along the cutting length

  • back gauge with rack and pinion movement on linear guide

  • squaring arm with retractable reference stops and millimetre ruler

  • bench with U-shaped profiles and balls

  • front supports with balls

  • blades with two cutting edges

  • cutting line with LED lighting

  • ESA 625 or DELEM DAC 360s numerical control systems

  • automatic adjustment of the cutting angle and length based on the material and thickness to be cut


ACCURL guillotine shears are equipped with an additional hydraulic adjustment system of cylinders which presses on the sheet metal applying the necessary self-adjusting pressure that adapts depending on the effort required to vary in thickness and resistance of the material to be cut.


To facilitate the use of sheet metal the support stand consists of “U”-shaped forms completed with sliding balls. It is also equipped with a groove housing the supports and the square.


A LED light produces a slender shadow on the cutting path, easy to locate thanks to a special plastic and transparent screen featured by the front guard.


Millimeter ruler, reference stops and scroll balls complete the front support square. In addition, for the top and supports you can ask for special anti-creep brushes.


The back gauge during the cutting phase tilts and moves from the sheet metal following the descent of the blade. This prevents damage and transfer the gauge loads able to change its location. Also it Is not subject to stresses due to the movement of the blade holder, as it is mounted on the fixed structure of the shears.


ACCURL guillotine shears are equipped with a hydraulic system that can greatly simplify the operator’s work and facilitate all the adjustments required to reach the highest quality line accuracy. Consisting of the highest quality components, the German hydraulic system is a guarantee of long service life since thanks to the self-adjustment of pressure it allows less stress to the various components.


Depending on the type of material and thickness to be cut the numerical control ESA 625 or DELEM DAC 360s automatically adjusts the gap between the blades, the cutting angle and the cutting length.


As necessary and at any time you can add to ACCURL guillotine shears some important optional able to increase and enhance the performance of the machine. Among the main options are the following:

  • pneumatic or hydraulic sheet support with 3 different movements

  • anti-twisting system that prevents the sheet metal from twisting during the cutting phase thanks to hydraulic cylinders

  • retractable backgauge: pneumatic device that allows to cut sheets longer than the backgauge stroke

  • scrap box

  • heat exchanger

  • return to sender function, a system that provides the return of the cut piece directly to the operator

  • thickness measurement

  • cutting lines: automatic cutting systems complete with front feeder and rear conveyors (for automatic cutting systems of sheet metal parts), whose speed meets companies which have the need to move large production volumes.


For any questions contact our customer care